Where does YOUR heart need to BURN with LOVE?

I encountered these words during my morning meditation and prayers on the Hallow App today, and I must say it kinda burned!

These inquisitive words were invasive, as if searching for my own vulnerabilities. The inquiry also appeared to imply that this would not be an easy process, I mean BURNS tend to hurt right?

So I wasn’t sure I especially loved the inquiry, however I valued and welcomed the challenge to at least explore further …

You see, I also don’t particularly love roller coaster rides simply because it requires relinquishing ALL my control and trusting . Trusting that the mechanics of this piece of giant metal that promises thrill and excitement will also land me SAFELY on solid ground.

I still DO get on rollercoaster rides from time to time with my family , and I am always glad I did, once the ride IS over lol.

I value that I challenged my fears and insecurities and allowed myself to become vulnerable and therefore more free.

This is what this chance encounter with these words is doing to my heart.

It is like the invitation of a shiny rollercoaster inviting me to take a chance, take a leap into the most vulnerable parts of my heart and explore.

Where does my heart need to BURN with LOVE?

I don’t know about you but I could find at least a few places where this needs to happen in order to cultivate a more enriched soil for my soul’s growth.

How about you my dear reader , Where does YOUR heart need to BURN with LOVE?

Is it in forgiveness? AND forgetting ( A work in progress for me)

Is it in generosity and charity?

Is it in kindness?

Is it in patience?

Is it in alms giving?

Is it in impulsivity and self control ?

Is it in courage to find and USE the gifts we are given?

The list can go on and on…

Ultimately, I am grateful for this chance provocative thought and welcome the challenge of where the exploration takes me.

Much like those thrilling rollercoaster rides with the kids and DH* , I look forward to conquering my fears , landing safely AND looking back to be glad I challenged myself.

I DID THAT! Thank you Disney’ s Everest or Six Flags’ Mr Freeze 😏😅

I hope you too choose to get on your own version of your rollercoaster and be triumphant in conquering vulnerabilities!

As always, thank you for reading my blog and of course I welcome your comments and any shared experiences . Please feel free to also “follow” by clicking the follow icon, so you can get notifications on future blog posts and not miss out !💕

*DH ( Darling husband)

9 thoughts on “Where does YOUR heart need to BURN with LOVE?”

  1. This is a soul-searching question. It fosters introspective reflection and can be a navigating compass in human relationships. It can bring self awareness and make us think deeper and be considerate to others’ needs and feelings. The photographs shows a happy family. It takes God’s love to raise such a beautiful family.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love reading your blog, as always and seeing the beautiful family pictures! I love the funny pictures also! These are precious memories! My heart needs to BURN with LOVE when it comes to insecurities. I have always been shy and reluctant to speaking or singing in front of an audience, whether large or small. I talked to God about it on several occasions. God gave me the assignment of posting on social media a song or singing a few verses to encourage His people. He said, “revisit the post several times and keep looking at yourself over and over again as you critique the video.” I told God that I did not want to do that because I am not a “social media person.” God said, “ you asked me to deliver you from your insecurities and now you don’t want my help.” I had to repent and tell God that I would accept His assignment with His divine guidance. I am posting videos now on Facebook and Instagram. My confidence level has been elevated and I don’t feel insecure or discouraged in operating in the gifts he blessed me with. I am grateful that I am not where I used to be, still not where I want to be, but I look forward to being totally delivered and set free soon!! Thanks for sharing your encouraging and insightful blogs!❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow I love this story of love between you and God!! It felt so personal . Our God is truly able to move mountains in our lives ONCE we have faith and trust and obey. Thank you for sharing this ! Great seeing you today btw😘


  3. The “rollercoaster” phrase merges into the photos reminds me of the rollercoaster that life is; ups and downs – sometimes literally going down the drain, sometimes in the jaws of death, sometimes lost in the sea of life, and yet that through it all – love conquers.


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