
Photo credit :Medium

There are seasons in our lives that demand a LOT from us. We may feel like we have too many balls in the air we have to juggle and keep from crashing disastrously to the ground.

These seasons may come in various forms. Demands from our work. Demands from our family obligations… if you have school aged children , then you’re likely the minister of their expansive social and extracurricular activities . If you have aging parents, then your work of care taking is clearly mapped out for you. Demands from need to engage and do more good in our communities and in the world as a whole. Demands from our need to take care of our physical health with exercise as well as the overall need to prioritize self care and on on the list goes.

A friend of mine , who recently immigrated to America, stated to me this morning how “This country is too fast” and I couldn’t agree more! We are always rushing around and I can’t help but wonder where the heck are we even speeding to ??

I live in the Midwest and as the weather is warming up and the days are getting longer , springtime creates a space for renewal. It should be a time to take an inventory of the habits that no longer serve us, and create space for new ones that renew us. I intend to do just that.

On Ash Wednesday, as I was having a conversation over soup with our dear priest, he GIFTED me with this reminder …

“There is a God and it ain’t me ( insert name)”

I loved this so much and have heard many versions of it spoken to me over time.

At times, I heard this saying during disagreements from opposing views from others, and I was NOT trying to hear it. I was too busy trying to prove myself or defend whatever position I deemed under attack at the time.

This time for whatever reason, I HEARD it differently. It felt unburdening. I chose to embrace it as SURRENDER💕

So, this spring/Lenten season of my life, I am choosing to take my responsibilities and obligations in stride. Doing the next best thing that I can ….One Day At A Time.

Creating space for REST and meaningful connections and ultimately reminding myself of this daily ….There Is A God And It Ain’t Me🙏🏾❤️

I am hopeful that you find this season renewing for you too❤️

As always, thank you for reading my blog and of course I welcome your comments and any shared experiences . Please feel free to also “follow” so you can get notifications on future blog posts💕

23 thoughts on “Surrender!🥰”

  1. ”There’s a God and it surely ain’t me” this is my new mantra. Yes this country is too fast that I get dizzy sometimes. Spring/Lent is a welcome period, a period of renewal, to sit back and re-strategize. Keep it coming sis.


  2. I needed to read this today! New mom, new wife, but adding to that, 60 hour a week employee, full time doctoral student- my to do list is endless but I need new habits to help me keep a balanced. Thanks so much.


  3. I enjoyed your blog, as usual Kelechi ! It was so relatable! There is a God and it’s definitely not me! Beautiful! May Our Lord and Savior continue to bless you beyond your wildest dreams!


  4. Thank you so much for reminding me that am only a human and not God. I cant do it all and the little i can do i cant get it right all the time. This is so refreshing. We all need to take it easy


  5. In naija they say”nobody wan carry last o”lol
    Hence the reason for the race.I 😄
    I personally find ways to surrender through the chaotic lifestyle otherwise I might crash truth be told.
    Hope you do too KC cus I definitely know you have your hands full most of the time😊
    Thank you for the gift of words you share with us. Keep it coming 🤗💝


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